I haven't updated this blog for quite some time so I figured I'd better put something down. It's hard to believe that tomorrow is the first day of August. Yikes! I guess the "grown-ups" really were right when they said that time flies when you get old. I guess I'm one of them now. Do you ever wish you could turn back the hands of time and go back to specific moments in your life? Happy ones? Sad ones? It seems that I'm the type of person who always tends to live in the past. I can pretty much guarantee that a year from now I will be wishing I could go back to this very moment in my life. Why is that? It's not like I'm afraid of the future. Perhaps, I'm just not sure how to live in the present!
Next Monday, I will be celebrating my 31st birthday. Dang...what happened to 21? And, when I say celebrating, I really need to rephrase that and say, "I will be 'experiencing' my 31st
birthday!" It's not like I have anything planned. I haven't done anything fun for any of my birthdays...except for the Strawberry Shortcake birthday party I had when I was 5 years old. Sigh...again, I wish I could go back! I had so many fond memories when I was young, yet I know at that time I could hardly wait to be a "grown up"! I guess it's true when they say that holidays really are for kids. But, does it always have to be that way? I know that my favorite Christmas was 1983 and I was 7 years old. It was that year when Cabbage Patch Kids were very BIG! I was told by a classmate that I wouldn't get a CPK because there weren't any left. I tried to have faith in Santa,
but she killed it for me. I remember writing in my Santa letter (back when we were still allowed to do that) that I wanted a Baby Skates Doll. Geesh, I so didn't want that doll! On Christmas morning, "Santa" really came through and I woke up to find this under our Christmas Tree! Her name was Clementina Aurora, and she went everywhere with me. I had to have my tonsils out over that Christmas break, and she was right there beside me when I awoke from the ane
sthesia. Yes, she was a special doll in my life.

It surprised me when I got older than not all girls were into dolls like I was. From the time I can remember, all I ever wanted to be was a mommy. I took my "babies" everywhere with me. My mom was a stay-at-home mom, and I would imitate her every move. Now that I'm almost 31 years old, it's hard not to mourn the reality that I haven't yet lived my "dream". I do hope to be a mommy some day. I love my fur-kids, but there's only so much that you can do with them...only so many trips to Petco and it's just not the same...ha ha!
So, I've found myself rambling in this blog entry, but that's pretty much par for the course. I can't help but wonder if there is anyone who has read my journal. If so, I'd love to hear from you. At the very least, say "hello"....please...don't make me beg! :-)
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